AOO participants are encouraged to excel in academics and become career-oriented. In addition, we seek to foster respectful communication skills with parents and adult caregivers. Youths participating in the program are responsible for abiding by defined standards of behavior in a structured environment. Educational and enrichment activities are incorporated into the program as an incentive to reward positive attitudes and cooperative behavior.
Academic Support
- Lexia Reading
- Khan Academy
- Gateway
- Test Preparation Classes
- Tutoring and Scholarships Search
- (Alternative to Detention)
Life Prep Programs
- Workshops
- Trades
- Money Management and Entrepreneurship
Support Force
- Mentors
- Leadership Forums
- Sponsors
- Counselors
- Peer Groups
- Male and Female Peer Sessions
- Health Education and Youth Talk to
reduce the risk of inappropriate behavior
Enrichment Activities
- Bowling
- Movie Nights
- Picnics
- Field Trips to the Theater
- Fun Nights
- Rock Climbing
- Arts & Crafts
- Visual Arts
- Other Recreational Activities